Tag Archives: remarriage


When my wife was first diagnosed with cancer, she said something along the lines of “When I die, I won’t mind if you get married again”

To which I replied “Oh, that will never happen”

She looked at me for a moment, then said “Right enough, nobody would be daft enough to take you on.”


RIP my beloved

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Filed under The Ramblings of a Reformed Ecclesiastic


The Meenister’s Log

We all handle grief differently.

I remember conducting a particular funeral where the widower was so distraught that I thought that he was going to throw himself into his late wife’s grave. He was sobbing, almost fainting with grief, and seemingly beyond the comfort of family and friends.

I met him about seven or eight weeks later – and what a transformation: cheerful, joking, full of life.

I said that I thought he was looking great and seemed to be coping very well on his own.

He replied “Oh, I’m not on my own.  I got remarried a couple of weeks ago – and the great news is that I’m to become a Dad; she’s six months pregnant”

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Filed under The Ramblings of a Reformed Ecclesiastic